
Does eToro Pay Dividends? Exploring eToro Copy Dividends and Dividend Payments

Does eToro Pay Dividends? Exploring eToro Copy Dividends and Dividend Payments


eToro has emerged as a prominent platform in the world of online trading, offering a wide range of financial instruments to investors. One question that often arises among traders is whether eToro pays dividends. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of dividends on eToro and explore the unique feature of “eToro Copy Dividends.” Additionally, we will discuss the differences between dividends, payment of dividends, and when dividend payments are due. Moreover, we will shed light on dividends in CFD (Contract for Difference) trading and how to check dividend payments on eToro.

does etoro pay dividends

What are eToro Copy Dividends?

eToro Copy Dividends is a distinctive feature of the eToro platform, designed to cater to the needs of social traders. Social trading allows users to follow the trades of experienced and successful investors on the platform. When a user decides to copy another trader, they allocate a portion of their funds to mimic the selected trader’s trades. As a result, they can replicate the trader’s portfolio and performance in real-time.

eToro Copy Dividends come into play when a trader is copied by other users. If the trader holds dividend-yielding assets, such as stocks or ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), the copiers of that trader will also receive dividends proportionate to their allocated funds. This means that even though you may not hold the actual asset yourself, you can still benefit from dividends if you copy a trader who does.

Tell me the Difference Between Dividends?

Dividends, in the context of financial markets, are payments made by a company to its shareholders. These payments are typically a distribution of the company’s profits and are usually paid out regularly, often on a quarterly or annual basis. Dividends are commonly associated with stocks, particularly those of well-established companies that generate consistent profits.

There are two main types of dividends:

Cash Dividends

  • Cash dividends are the most common form of dividends. When a company declares a cash dividend, it distributes a specific amount of money per share to its shareholders. The dividend amount may vary depending on the company’s profitability and dividend policy.
  • Stock Dividends: Instead of cash, some companies issue stock dividends to their shareholders. In this case, the company provides additional shares to its existing shareholders, increasing the total number of shares held by each investor. While the overall value of the investment remains the same, the number of shares owned by the shareholder increases.

Payment of Dividends

The payment of dividends is a crucial process that ensures shareholders receive their entitled returns. When a company’s board of directors declares a dividend, it sets a date for the “declaration date.” On this day, the company announces its intention to pay dividends to its shareholders. After the declaration date, the following important dates come into play

  • Ex-Dividend Date: The ex-dividend date is the first day on which a buyer of a stock is not entitled to the upcoming dividend payment. To receive the dividend, an investor must own the stock before the ex-dividend date.
  • Record Date: The record date is the day on which a company reviews its shareholder records to identify who is eligible to receive the dividend. Shareholders registered on this date will be entitled to the dividend.
  • Payment Date: The payment date is when the dividend is actually distributed to eligible shareholders. It is the day shareholders will see the dividend amount credited to their brokerage accounts.

When are Dividend Payments Due?

The timing of dividend payments can vary depending on the company and its dividend policy. Some companies pay dividends on a quarterly basis, while others may distribute them annually or even semi-annually. Generally, companies release their financial reports and announce dividend payments on a predetermined schedule.

As an eToro user, if you hold a dividend-paying asset in your portfolio, you can expect to receive the dividends according to the same schedule as if you were holding the actual asset outside the platform.

Dividends on CFD Trading

It’s essential to distinguish between owning the actual asset and trading it as a CFD on eToro. When you buy stocks or other dividend-yielding assets on eToro, you own the underlying asset, and you are entitled to receive dividends, just like if you held the asset with a traditional broker.

However, when you trade CFDs on eToro, you do not own the underlying asset; instead, you are speculating on its price movements. As a result, you do not receive the dividends directly. CFDs are derivative products, and their prices are derived from the underlying asset’s price, but they do not entitle you to any ownership or voting rights.

How Can I Check Dividend Payments on eToro?

eToro provides a user-friendly platform that allows you to easily monitor and manage your investments. To check dividend payments on eToro, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your eToro Account: Access your account using your username and password.
  • Go to the Portfolio Section: Navigate to the “Portfolio” section of the platform, where you can see all your investments.
  • Select the Asset: Choose the asset, such as a stock or ETF, for which you want to check dividend payments.
  • View Dividend Information: In the asset’s details, you can find information about upcoming dividends, dividend history, and any other relevant dividend-related data.

eToro ensures that its users have access to comprehensive information about their investments, including dividend-related details.

does etoro pay dividends


In conclusion, eToro does pay dividends through its unique feature known as eToro Copy Dividends. By copying successful traders, users can indirectly benefit from dividends on dividend-yielding assets held by the traders they follow. However, it is essential to differentiate between owning the actual asset and trading it as a CFD, as CFD trading does not grant direct ownership or dividends.

As with any investment, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before making trading decisions. While eToro offers a seamless platform for trading and investing, remember that dividends are subject to market conditions and the performance of the underlying assets. Regularly check your portfolio and dividend information to stay informed about your investments on the platform. Happy trading!