
Share Trading: Understanding Stockbroking Costs and Details

Share Trading: Understanding Stockbroking Costs and Details


Share trading, also known as stock trading, is a captivating world that offers various opportunities for individuals to participate in the financial markets. With advancements in technology, buying and selling shares online has become more accessible than ever. However, before delving into the world of share trading, it’s crucial to understand the intricacies of stockbroking costs, the process of buying and selling shares online, and the differences between investing and trading stocks. In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore these topics in detail, providing valuable insights for beginners and experienced traders alike.

Share Trading: A Brief Overview

Share trading involves the buying and selling of shares (equity ownership) of publicly listed companies in the stock market. It allows individuals to participate in the growth and success of these companies and potentially earn returns through capital appreciation and dividends. The stock market acts as a platform where buyers and sellers interact to determine share prices based on supply and demand dynamics.

Share trading offers two primary approaches: investing and trading. Let’s delve into the details of each, starting with stockbroking costs.

Stockbroking Costs and Details

When engaging in share trading, it’s essential to be aware of the costs associated with stockbroking. These costs can significantly impact the overall profitability of your trades. Here are the key stockbroking costs to consider:

Brokerage Fees:

Brokerage fees are the charges levied by stockbrokers for executing buy and sell orders on your behalf. The fees can be a fixed amount per trade or a percentage of the transaction value. Full-service brokers, who offer personalized advice and research, tend to charge higher brokerage fees compared to discount brokers.


Similar to brokerage fees, commissions are charges that brokers apply for facilitating trades. They are often expressed as a percentage of the trade value. Some brokers may charge both brokerage fees and commissions, while others use only one pricing structure.


The spread refers to the difference between the buying price (bid) and the selling price (ask) of a share. Brokers use the spread as their profit for facilitating the trade. While not as explicit as brokerage fees or commissions, the spread affects the execution price of the trade and should be considered.

Custodian Fees:

Custodian fees are charges imposed by some brokers for holding and managing your shares in a custody account. This fee is more common in international share trading and may not apply to all brokers.

Inactivity Fees:

Certain brokers may charge inactivity fees if traders do not make a minimum number of trades within a specified period. This is important to note, especially for those who engage in share dealing infrequently.

Account Maintenance Fees:

Account maintenance fees are periodic charges to cover the administrative costs of managing your trading account. Not all brokers apply this fee, but it’s essential to check for it when selecting a broker.

Exchange Fees:

Apart from broker-specific fees, traders should also consider exchange fees. These are charged by the stock exchange for executing trades on their platform. Brokers typically pass these fees on to traders.

share trading

Buying and Selling Shares Online

Advancements in technology have revolutionized share trading, making it possible for traders to buy and sell shares online with ease. Online share dealing offers numerous advantages, including:


Trading shares online eliminates the need to visit physical broker locations. You can execute trades from the comfort of your home or on-the-go using your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Real-time Information:

Online trading platforms provide real-time market data and updates, enabling traders to make informed decisions based on the latest information.

Faster Execution:

Online trades are executed swiftly, ensuring that you have better control over your trading activities.

Access to Research and Tools:

Many online trading platforms offer research reports, technical analysis tools, and other resources to help traders make informed decisions.


Online trading often comes with lower brokerage fees and commissions compared to traditional full-service brokers, making it a cost-effective option for self-directed traders.

To begin buying and selling shares online, you typically need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose a Reliable Online Broker: Select an online broker that suits your trading preferences, offers a user-friendly platform, and provides the necessary research tools and resources.

Step 2: Open a Trading Account: Once you’ve chosen a broker, open a trading account by providing the required documentation and information.

Step 3: Fund Your Account: Deposit funds into your trading account to have the capital needed for trading.

Step 4: Research and Analyze: Before executing any trades, conduct thorough research and analysis to identify potential opportunities and risks.

Step 5: Execute Trades: With your research completed, you can now execute buy and sell orders directly through the online trading platform.

Step 6: Monitor Your Investments: Keep a close eye on your investments and the overall market to make informed decisions about managing your portfolio.

Investing vs. Trading Stocks: The Differences in Detail

share trading

Investing and trading are two distinct approaches to share trading, each with its own objectives, time horizons, and risk profiles. Understanding the differences between these two strategies is essential for aligning your trading style with your financial goals.

Investing: Investing in stocks involves taking a long-term approach, typically holding onto shares for extended periods, often years or even decades. Investors aim to benefit from the overall growth of the companies they invest in, as well as potential dividend income.

Key Characteristics of Investing:

– Focus on Fundamentals: Investors prioritize analyzing a company’s financial health, performance, and long-term prospects.

– Buy and Hold Strategy: Investors buy shares with the intention of holding them for an extended period, often ignoring short-term market fluctuations.

– Diversification: To manage risk, investors diversify their portfolios across different industries and asset classes.

– Patience: Successful investing requires patience to allow the investments to grow over time.

Trading: Trading, on the other hand, involves a more short-term approach, with trades executed over days, hours, or even minutes. Traders seek to profit from short-term price movements in the market.

Key Characteristics of Trading:

– Technical Analysis: Traders often rely on technical analysis, studying price charts and patterns to identify entry and exit points.

– Active Management: Traders frequently buy and sell shares, actively managing their positions to capitalize on short-term market movements.

– Risk Management: Effective risk management is crucial for traders, as short-term price fluctuations can lead to substantial losses.

– Capitalizing on Volatility: Traders may take advantage of market volatility and use leverage to amplify potential returns (while also increasing risk).

– Time Commitment: Successful trading requires dedication, monitoring the markets regularly, and making quick decisions.


Share trading is a dynamic and multifaceted domain that offers numerous opportunities for financial growth. Understanding the intricacies of stockbroking costs, the process of buying and selling shares online, and the differences between investing and trading stocks are essential for aspiring traders to embark on their share dealing journey with confidence.

Whether you choose to invest for the long term, seeking steady growth and dividend income, or prefer short-term trading to capitalize on market volatility, always remember that success in share trading requires discipline, continuous learning, and prudent risk management. Stay informed, remain adaptable to changing market conditions, and adhere to a well-thought-out trading plan to navigate the world of share dealings effectively.